Beard Oil Recipes — A How To

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Beard Oil not only smells great, it keeps the beard healthy and helps keep the skin underneath from drying out and becoming itchy. The itchiness has been the biggest complaint from the SO.

Beard oil is surprisingly easy to make. All you need are some essential oils and a carrier oil (or 2).
Now let me say that while it’s easy to make, it is not cheap. Depending on where you purchase your oils, a single bottle of beard oil could cost upwards of a hundred dollars or more just to make.

Sandalwood essential oil, for example, is a fantastic oil for a bearded man; the smell is amazing! However, one 1/2 ounce bottle can cost $30! And most other oils cost anywhere from $5 – $20 a 1/2 ounce bottle.

But really, don’t be dissuaded by the cost. If you really want to try making your own beard oil, give it a go. Like I said, it’s very easy.

Here’s what you need:

Carrier oil: This is the base. Your beard oil will be mostly carrier oil with some other oils mixed in. You have several options for carrier oil. The best, or so I’ve heard, is Jojoba oil. I don’t use Jojoba simply because it is so expensive, and you use a lot of it per bottle. There’s also Avocado Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, and Grapeseed Oil. I use a combination of Sweet Almond and Grapeseed Oils as my carrier. The carriers don’t have much of a smell, so you don’t have to worry about that part.


Next, you’ll need the essential oils. But before we get into those, you need to decide on the overall smell. I treat beard oil like it’s a perfume. It needs a high, medium, and low note. In that sense, I get a better idea of what the beard oil should have.

For example: I wanted to make a “spicy” scented beard oil. I went with a Bay Rum base. Bay rum is great for that spicy base note. To add a little earthiness to it, I added some Bergamot and Tea Tree.  To sweeten it just a little, I added the tiniest bit of Tangerine.

Well, this one did not pass the SO test, and therefore needed more tweaking before I finalized it. But you can see the thought process:

High note: Tangerine

Medium: Tea Tree and Bergamot

Base: Bay Rum

Note: Be careful with Citrus oils. They can be phototoxic if you use too much. I use just enough for someone to smell it, but not enough to be a skin irritant. Always research the oils you want to use. You never know what you should and should not be putting on your skin.

Now, I also add some Vitamin E to the beard oil for some extra help in taking care of the skin beneath the beard.

When you are done, make sure to bottle the beard oil in a darker bottle. This will help keep the oils from losing any of their strength. Depending on the length of the beard, you only need a few drops rubbed vigorously into the hair and chin. The smell might be strong for the first few minutes, but it does dissipate quickly.

I love making beard oil. It makes me feel like a mad scientist! Plus, I get to use the SO as a guinea pig. 🙂   He doesn’t seem to mind the attention, though.

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About the poetical

Hello! I graduated from college with a fancy degree in English. Since then, I divide my time between working, writing, and making awesome art stuff. I have tutored quite a few high school and college students on writing throughout the past few years and have decided to share my love of poetry with the rest of the world. I also decided to post pictures of the pretty awesome stuff I make in what spare time I have.

7 responses to “Beard Oil Recipes — A How To”

  1. MEGATRON says :

    Thanks for the tip… I just threw together what I found that was cheap in the stores around my hood. Grapeseed oil is the cheapest. For the stank I wanted to go for Piney-fresh so I found some Fir tree oil and I added some tea tree oil. Both were relatively inexpensive compared to the other stuff that was out there. got an old fancy hotel shampoo bottle i had in a drawer and cleaned it out real good. Filled it with mostly grapeseed oil, a little of the Fir and a little of the Tea tree to top it off. GIve it a good shake and BOOM… perfect in every way. Yes this is easy and fun and makes my man hair happy. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Mark says :

    What is the “SO”?


  3. Melissa says :

    I’m going to make one of these for my boyfriend with a Tea Tree Oil base. What are the exact measurements for each item? How many ounces for the castor oil and how many drops for the essential oils? Thanks!


    • the poetical says :

      Hi Melissa,

      The measurements will vary depending on the size of the bottle. I use 1/2 oz bottles. For those, fill up the bottle close to the top with the base oil (castor oil, for instance). Make sure to leave enough room for the essential oils and the dropper.

      You’re using the Tea Tree as your low note, so you’ll want to use about 10-15 drops. The amount depends mostly on what you want. If 10 drops are too much, use less. I typically use Tea Tree as a middle note with a woodsy low note (like Texas Cedarwood). With medium notes, I use between 4-6 drops.

      Definitely experiment and find some high notes to add as well. The high note will be an immediate scent, and it will not last long. Citrus and mints, as well as lavender, are really good high notes. High notes take only a few drops as they are strong and you don’t want them to stick around for too long.

      I treat beard oil like it is both a perfume and a care product. Perfume is typically created with the high, medium, and low notes. However, you don’t need to treat beard oil like this. You can use however many different oils you want, so long as you and your boyfriend enjoy the smell.

      Best of luck!


  4. Melissa Slaughter says :

    What are the exact measurements for this? How much castor oil vs how much essential oil?


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